However, there's rarely a day goes by that someone doesn't mention to me about what a pretty wife I have. So, to all of you that noticed and mentioned it to me: Thanks. I guess it just confirms what I already knew. Of course people are always going to be nice. So I've always taken those compliments with some reservation and I know she does too. I guess we're all aware of our own shortcomings and she's no exception, though I usually scoff when she's down on her appearance.
"Do you like my hair like this?" "Do you like the way these clothes look?" "Do you like the way I did my make-up?" Well, yes. Yes I do. I know that sometimes she thinks I'm just being nice, but seriously, I like it. I'm not prone to exaggerations, but well, I'm biased and she knows it.
So today I was poking around online and discoverd a website that claims to do "Facial Beauty Analysis". Gee, a program to see if you're pretty. So I figured I'd give it a go. Oh yeah, I plugged my face into it. The results were not exactly wonderful, but I wasn't surprised. I uploaded Tina's picture and followed the instructions. The attached screenshot records my results.
I knew the outcome before I went the the steps of plotting all the dots it asked me to. I figure a 9.54 isn't too bad, and yep, I still get it. Am I bragging? Yes I am. Sometimes it's deserved. Sure, I realize everyone has different tastes, but I think she's a 10. But mostly, I'm just glad she picked me. :)
Next time when she's not happy with her looks I'll forward these results to her.

If you want to do your own, the website is here: