Luckily for us Mark Sedenquist and Megan Edwards made it a point to start collecting pictures of signs. You can see a bunch of those signs at Roadtrip America. Prepare to spend some time there, because you can't just look at one sign and move on. If you're like me, you'll "just one more" your way through the entire online collection. While you're looking through there you might just find a couple of mine.
Yes, that's right, I took a few pictures that Mark and Megan found amusing, and they've graciously included them on Roadtrip America. Awesome, eh? You can see one of them here. Go ahead, click it. It's funny.
Guess what. Oh, c'mon, guess. They've published a book! You can get it at Amazon. It's not going to break the bank either; it's only $11.95. Buy one. Buy a couple. Give them to your friends. No friends? Give them to the mailman and the guy that reads the water meter.
Oh, when you get your copy turn to page 58. I took that one. Oh, turn to page 128. I took that one too. I have pictures in a book. I'm happy about it; giddy even. Well, maybe not giddy, but hey, it's not a bad feeling.
So go visit Roadtrip America and check out the signs and other great resources there. It's an awesome website. While you're at it, grab a book, or two. :)